le cercle des neiges netflix :The Snow Circle: Survivor Reactions to the Netflix Film

Emotional Responses of Survivors to Netflix’s “The Snow Circle”

J.A. Bayona’s new movie on Netflix, “The Snow Circle,” talks about a sad event in the Andes Mountains. It has deeply touched the people who survived and their families. The film has been on Netflix since January 4, 2024. It tells the story of a plane crash on October 13, 1972, in Argentina’s Valley of Tears.

Out of the 45 people on the plane, 17 died in the crash and the next 12 hours. Another 12 lost their lives during the two months they had to survive. The remaining 14 survivors were miraculously rescued on December 22 and 23, more than two months after the crash.

le cercle des neiges netflix :The Snow Circle: Survivor Reactions to the Netflix Film

The movie was shown to 14 of the 16 surviving people in Montevideo before it officially came out. At first, they were unsure, but after watching it, they praised the movie for showing their difficult experiences in a real and true way. J.A. Bayona was grateful to see their reactions.

A video, shared by Bayona, captures the immediate reactions of survivors and family members after they watched the film. Carlos Páez, one of the survivors, liked the movie for being real. He said it told a tough but true story about friendship, solidarity, and unity. Another survivor, Robert Canessa, said watching the movie felt like a short reunion with those who are no longer here.

Juan Pedro Nicola, the son of the deceased Francisco and Esther Nicola, and Stellita Pérez Del Castillo, sister of Marcelo Pérez Del Castillo, the rugby team captain, had strong emotions after watching “The Snow Circle.” Juan Pedro Nicola said the movie showed the harsh reality of their experiences and a raw story of friendship and unity. Stellita Pérez Del Castillo felt like she had a momentary reunion with those who are gone.

The video shows how much “The Snow Circle” affected the survivors and their families, giving them a sense of closure and thankfulness for the movie’s honest portrayal of their difficult time.

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